I don’t really use this app but i have feelings i wanna let out.

A few days ago my(20m) girlfriend(19f) told me she’s not coming home. She’s been having problems with her mental illness so she went ago to a mental hospital in Wisconsin and she’s been gone for almost 3 months. She was supposed to come back sometime month but now she’s saying she wants to stay.

She tells me she feeling of restlessness and she thinks the very serious relationship we have is part of the reason. She wanted to take a break from it and stay in Wisconsin for another 6 months to a year. That’s just not okay with me.

I know her and I know how she is. In that time away everything will change. She’s gonna do things that i’m not okay with and she wants me to just let her back into my life after. I hate to say this about her but that’s just fucking stupid. She says I’m the one she wants to be with for the rest of her life but if that were true she would work through the temptation instead of giving into them. It seems she like to call it “working on herself” to better herself and the relationship for the future and that doesn’t many any fucking sense either. She says she feels like she’s not good enough for me right anyway and that she’ll resent me if she doesn’t do this. Just more dumb shit. It’s part of her mental illness that she acts irrationally and sets her mind on things without thought but something this is different.

She’s not perfect by any means but there’s literally nothing she could ever do to change the way I feel about her. I love this woman with every fiber of my being but i just can’t go through with this. I told her we’re done for good but she doesn’t believe me and i don’t believe myself either. I could never take her back knowing she gave in instead of choosing me and i could never just be her friend and watch her love and grow with someone else. I know that’s selfish but fuck you I can be selfish if I want.

I love her too much I could never leave her but I have to to but I don’t want but I need to. I just don’t know what to do or what’s gonna happen. I wish she would at least think about bring her dumbass home and love me.

  1. Gave into what exactly? You made it sound like she’s still in the hospital so I’m not sure what it is she’s doing that you don’t like, need more context man.

  2. You completely invalidating any of her opinions, instead of trying to empathise they’re just “fucking stupid” – her literally saying the relationship is part of the problem and wanting to stay in Wisconsin

    “She’s going to do things I won’t want her to”

    “Bring her dumbass home”

    “Fuck you I can be selfish if I want”

    Yeah I don’t know how you could take toxic from any of that.

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