I almost had her. I was so close. We were seeing each other for a few months and I knew she was the one straight away. But I fucked up. I asked for some time to deal with I don’t even remember m what. She said ok but wasn’t sure if she could wait around if I didn’t know how long I needed.

Now (6 months later) she’s with a new guy (rly genuine bloke) and she seems to be happy. haven’t stopped crying myself to sleep for the last 2 weeks. My heart shatters every time I think about her. I hope she is happy and I have O intentions of interfering with her new relationship as I’ve always just wanted her to be happy. How do I get over her? I have lost control. Gained 5 kilos, no exercise, no motivation, gave up on all my hobbies. Seems like I’m in a rut.


  1. No one is perfect. She may have been awesome, but everyone has flaws and conflicts. She only seems perfect because you were only together for a little while and now she’s going to be frozen in your memories. She’s “perfect” because you don’t deal with her every day and you’ll never run into conflicts with her.
    You learned what a good partner for you looks like. Now when you find partners in the future you can check to see if they have those traits. She was a great part of your life and you can be glad that she’s happy right now.
    You had personal problems that you’ve now worked through, so that’s another good thing that you can take away from this time in your life.
    That’s how I look at it when a great relationship ends for some reason.

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