how do you respond when you bought new clothes you love but your partner doesn’t like?

  1. why exactly are they saying?

    If it’s a matter of style, then I ignore them.

    If it’s a matter of fit, then I might wear spanx

  2. Honestly? I don’t give a fuck. I dress for myself and not a man. He doesn’t have to wear it so I wouldn’t care if he didn’t like it. The day I dress for a man is the day they dress me in my coffin to meet Jesus.

  3. I’d say just ignore it! You’re wearing the clothes so ultimately your opinion is the most important here, you should always dress in clothes that you love and make you feel good and fit your own sense of style.

  4. I can honestly say I do not care if he likes my clothes or not. I used to have this pair of boots he hated, to be fair they were ugly, they were a pink snakeskin and like a weird kid calf height. They weren’t my favorite but they were fun and I would definitely wear them out with him whether he likes them or not.

    Now that I’m typing this is wish I hadn’t gotten rid of them years ago just so I could pull them out when I want to spike it.

  5. If he normally doesnt comment on my clothes and he is saying the thing doesnt fit me well, I might listen to his reasoning…

  6. If I love it I keep it.

    Unless he’s saying that because of something I might not have noticed about them, like clothes that are see-through when they’re not meant to be.

  7. When he pays for my clothes, he can have an opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️

    But we have similar style/taste so I’m really not too worried about it

  8. My husband thinks most of my cloths are weird. Its to the point if he actually likes what I’m wearing I begin to question my sense of personal style. So I embrace it. Sorry honey I will dress like an eccentric hippy grandmother and you can’t stop me.

  9. Yeah I do not care what other’s think haha. My ex used to roll his eyes and smile every time I got dressed, but he never commented anything negative because he knew I loved it. My previous boyfriend would be mean about everything I wore, and it caused a lot of insecurity around who I was and what I liked, with me thinking I was “wrong.” Never again. I’ll wear my knee high halloween socks and pink plaid shirt and everyone else has to deal with it

  10. I don’t care, I might not wear it on a date with him but I’m gonna wear it otherwise!

  11. Be a lil bummed, but otherwise return them. Unless it’s something I absolutely love

    Obviously I could overrule his opinion because they’re my clothes, but I also trust his judgment. If he doesn’t think it looks good, it probably doesn’t.

  12. I would ask him why. If he told me because they’re “too revealing”, I’d cut his shirt like Regina George’s and break up with him via text.

  13. ya i quit caring a looooong time ago. The worst was when he’d say he didnt like something just because it was expensive. I knew it looked good because other guys would give me looks lol. And he’d be like – “how much did it cost?” Eventually I just started dressing how I wanted, without even showing him anymore.

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