Recently have been feeling like there could/should be more I could do to make myself more attractive but don’t really know where to start (I think I mostly cover the basics, so nothing is going to make an absolutely HUGE difference). What do you feel like makes the most difference to you? Could be something like better make-up, better clothes, better hair cut/style, slightly better body, eyebrows… you tell me!

  1. Bit cliche but do what works for you. I could give some generic advice about what I like, and it may not suit you, even harder when I have no idea what you look like. Maybe try different hairstyles or whatever. I like natural and simple, but beauty comes in many forms, colour, hairstyle, body type, fashion sense. Play around with different looks and go from there

  2. Gay guy here. The easiest thing to make you more attractive?

    Hun – I say this with love, but this post *screams* low confidence. Also, low effort. If anything was worth attaining, it wouldn’t be ‘easy’.

    Focus on you for a while. Build up your confidence – I’m 1000% positive you’re 1000% more attractive than you give yourself credit for.

    Worst case scenario – focus on guys who are into you – every personality/body type has someone who’s not just into it, is *thrilled* by it – is *enthralled* by it, is *jizzing in his pants* over it.

  3. Without knowing what you’re like at the moment, I can’t really say.

    However, since you asked, the thing that can make a woman more attractive is her attitude and mannerisms. Honestly, you can be dressed in sweat pants and a hoodie, with no makeup, and hair looking like you just got out of bed, but treat a guy right, and 9 times out of 10, he’ll really like what he sees.

    I’m not kidding here. I’ve met with women I didn’t think we’re all that attractive until I started interacting with her, and then things changed and she suddenly became hot. On the other hand, the opposite is also true. A woman who appears physically attractive can easily ruin all of that by ignoring the man, not smiling at him, and having a generally distasteful attitude when she does speak to him.

    If you are talking about physical features, then I can only speak for myself. Less makeup (or at least naturalistic makeup). Long hair is always a win in my book, and if it’s so long you can sit on it, then that’s just a bonus. A nice sun dress is also a win.

    What puts me off is loads of piercings and excessive tattoos. A few here and there aren’t too bad though. That awful hairstyle where half of the head is shaved. Slutty clothes are great for the bedroom, but not all that brilliant as everyday wear.

  4. Realize that real men that like/love her won’t care about her self-perceived imperfections, what type of clothes she wears, or her wearing makeup.

  5. I will say a girl who is feminine is the most attractive type of girl. Now, it is a sensitive topic and I know i may get bashed in the replies but here are what i would define a feminine women/girl as.

    1) Body language. An elegant body language can make any man drool in my opinion. It’s the difference between sitting with your legs nicely crossed vs sitting in a “manspreading” hunchback position. Important point, it shouldn’t look forced and for validation. It should look like it’s what you feel comfortable in.

    2) Voice. For me a soft, melodious voice is much better than a loud tomboy voice. I’m not saying that she can’t be loud she can, she can laugh her heart out for all I know. And it’s not about how you sound, it’s about how you use that voice. For example Emiru, her voice is very strained and kind of deep. But its definitely much more sweet and (for me) attractive than a Lily Singh or an Amy Schummer.

    3) Wisdom. Something I personally look for. I’m not talking about someone academically smart, rather someone who knows how life works. I feel it is big turn on. Most guys(me included) mostly look at the heart and the body, but when you see her wisdom it’s like “Damn she got that too! <3”

    4) Manners and hygiene. This one is a total deal breaker. I am not talking about OCD level, but things like cleanliness, good smell, table manners, good conversation manners and a few more but, you get the point.

    5) Bright future. Stole this one from Hamza. A girl who is one the path of improvement and a girl who is focused on herself. Would you want a girl who spends all day on Insta, wasting her time and not caring about her own future? or would you prefer someone who focuses on her study/work, learns new skills, tries to be a better person, but still has fun when she has done her work for the day?

    6) Challenge. This one is a bit hard to explain and it’s very personal and “cliché”. One more saying from Hamza is “The male brain is weird to focus an progress and finishing the current task and getting on with the next.” Use this. Imagine a guy sees at school who has all of the above mentioned characteristics. Currently he is at level 1; The girl and him aren’t friends. He sees her here and their, maybe a small talk but nothing much. Then comes level 2. He starts talking to her, she starts more conversations with him and they get to know each other better. Level 3. She starts to open up a bit more around him. She doesn’t mind being more loud and less “elegant” around him. And this way they slowly progress to them being open and loving. I am not saying that the girl shouldn’t do anything and reply to his texts after 10 minutes and ignore him all time. She should “drop the handkerchief”

    Things vary depending on what type of men you are trying to attract. if you want less masculine(the more expressive or more feminine) or toxicly masculine(The fuck boys/bad boys) men do the exact opposite of what is said.

    I know this is a lot. And a lot of this is personality based. Looks wise things vary a lot but tbh, any girl would look attractive with these attributes. But the main thing is. Be yourself. Change for somebody else is the worst kind of change ever. So just be yourself and if you feel like something i said feels like a better you, go for it. Feel free to ask questions and if you want some advice. Feel free to DM me <3

  6. Hard to say without seeing you cuz it depends on what area are you most lacking. Like for example ik for myself that I have pretty good style and grooming but I’m pretty skinny so I’m trying to build more muscle because ik that will add the most to my overall attractivness.

    So if you don’t have a great style try to improve it, if you’re a bit overweight see if you can cut out some snacks and so on. Obviusly with make up, if you use it know what you’re doing because if you do a bad job or use too much it will be more harm then good. Good luck!

  7. Just make sure you look clean, that you are manicured down there, and that it doesn’t smell.

  8. Self confidence which you need.

    Don’t worry about attracting men or what we want until you build yourself up.

    Good luck.

  9. Better fitting clothes that are clean. Hair that is brushed. If you have a septum ring, get rid of it. For makeup, better little or none than too much.

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