As I grow older, I slowly lose social connections… What are few social hobbies that you participate in? Bonus points if it is a couple activity…

  1. Magic the Gathering, tabletop miniatures, and board games in general. These are all incredibly social and generally best enjoyed with others. I have also made a lot of acquaintances and short-term friends as a result.

  2. I play a musical instrument (drums and percussion) and play in a community band.

    I also enjoy playing games, including table-top roleplaying games, which my wife and I used to play with a group pretty regularly until we had kids.

  3. I actually went to a rollerskating rink a couple years ago and had a blast. Id never learned how to skate, so it was fun learning how. They were closed for a while due to covid but i heard they recently opened back up.

    Some fun exercise, and you can take your so and kids, and it was cheap. Looking forward to going again.

    Since i quit drinking ive struggled to find reasons to get out of the house and be around people. My bar was my go to. Covid hasnt helped ofc.

  4. I primarily play games both video and table top. Video games are great because you can just hop on with a buddy whenever you both have free time and just chat while you play. It doesn’t have to be shooter games it can be chess online, whatever. It’s just easier to talk to people while you’re doing something else and it gives you an excuse to block off time to be social. Table top games are great if you have a bunch of friends. There are literally hundreds of amazing games out there and you can make it a regular game night hang out, some drinks/snacks makes it pretty great.

    If you want more physical stuff I sometimes do sports like tennis. It’s not difficult to learn, there’s minimal monetary investment you just need a racket and some balls which can be pretty cheap. The only difficulty is you need to find a free court but many public parks have a court, but you may need to bring your own net which is also pretty cheap. Sports are usually pretty social since most need other people to play with/against. My friend got into rock climbing and they seem to enjoy it. They’re always meeting new people at the rock climbing gym. Just don’t be afraid to ask for help.

  5. Joined group meditation locally. Have turned into something special, we have a close group that meets every week (online now) and the only goal is to be more peaceful, and be happy and spread love.

  6. I’m in a run club that meets once a week. We socialize, run, socialize then head our own ways.

  7. I volunteer on weekends. There’s a group of regulars like myself who work together every weekend and mentor/supervise first-time or less-frequent volunteers, and then we usually go out for drinks at the end of the day.

  8. Volleyball, flag football, kickball and softball.

    Swing dancing and improv.

    Yes there was a time where I was doing one or two of the activities above six days out of the week.

    So met a lot of people, found a core group of friends and built relationships.

    Covid happened so I stopped doing swing dancing and improv, but still do sport activities.

    To your point, being involved with those groups over the years people came and went all the time due to moving, job changes, having kids and things like that. So my friend group was always slowly changing.

    Couples activity? The things I mentioned had pick up days. As in anyone shows up and play. So you didn’t need an actual team. Same for improv

  9. Sailing. Not saying it’s an affordable hobby, but the club and social scene around racing sailboats is very active.

  10. My wife and I have been enjoying crossfit together. I’d say this highly depends on the gym as to whether I would recommend it to others though. Ours is very much centered around personal growth and understanding your limits to work on them properly, starting with the very basics. If you can’t do a pushup, then do knee push-ups. That sort of thing.

    Some gyms are stupid and give crossfit a bad name. Even watching professionals can give it a bad name when they start throwing heavy weight around or doing things that aren’t good for them. But overall we’ve enjoyed the experience and are getting in shape too!

  11. I’m in 4 bands, 3 of which gig, one of which is just me and a lady. We’re not dating, though.

  12. Meet Ups

    * Board Games

    * Dragon Boating

    * Football (soccer)

    * Bowling

    * Running

    Will try in the future

    * Golf

    The people I’ve met in those activities aren’t really the sort who wants connections beyond the superficial level. Don’t care really. It’s better than spending 100% of your time playing GTAV or Elder Scrolls.

  13. CrossFit, climbing, and used to be playing music.

    I still play music — just by myself (and with a teacher).

  14. I like to go see bands. I go to mid-tier venues or even local bands at bars so it’ll only be like $5-$30 depending on the show. Even if you only know a few songs or none at all, it’s usually fun and has an eclectic lively crowd.

    It’s also a social event you can invite friends to that’s low pressure if they can’t make it. Have some drinks, and enjoy the people watching and bands.

  15. Recreational sports like softball, cycling.

    My wife likes to cook and we’d have cocktail or dinner parties in the before times. Before kids, that is. We shall again someday.

  16. Cycling and ice hockey have been good options for me. Despite that, I’d still say the real social connections are few and far between.

  17. Jiu Jitsu. Tried to get me wife involved but she hates being touched. She has hung out in my crowd before but she has her own crowd and that’s ok.

  18. Some cities have very nice “makers spaces” where you can go in and use different tools in a common area with creators, artists, designers, woodworkers, metal workers, robotics ect.

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