I just want to talk to him more, this is not a career job and I know I will leave by the end of the year. He’s more outgoing than I am and I get so shy but I’ve been told he thinks I’m “cute.” How do I just talk and stop being awkward? If anyone can share conversation topics or their own experience that could help me a lot!

& for those “don’t 💩 where you eat” warners I totally get where you guys are coming from. To ease your minds I’ll tell you if worse comes to absolute worse I have no issue leaving this job forever, it’s my part time minimum wage job, it would be nice to make a friend at least even if it never goes anywhere romantic!

  1. I try to broach some sex topics. Basically make a what she said joke without the punchline.

  2. Look up open ended questions or try to dig into his interests. Go into the conversation with trying to learn more about him, on any level. People love to talk about themselves. If you want to escalate, try flirting. Smiles, light touching on his arm or playful shove, and see how he reacts.

  3. Not a female but make it obvious u like him with body language or be bold and talk to him tell him what u want as much as females think men don’t like being approached it’s liked more than u think but don’t be scared of being denied

  4. >& for those “don’t 💩 where you eat” warners I totally get where you guys are coming from.

    Nah, if you still approach him at the workplace you’ll make things uncomfortable for him and you’ll be viewed as a creep.

    So don’t do it

  5. I was the apprentice of the person I’m now engaged to!

    He’s the loud outgoing one and I’m the timid shy one. He used to intimidate me to death just because we’re so polar (and I was only an apprentice, he was way older and more experienced), but I fancied his pants off since day one. He tells me now that he liked me back but I remember him being quite mean to me, though now I know it’s because he was married with kids – he was taking precautions to keep me distant. He knew I liked him but he thought it was a silly crush for the reasons listed.

    I’d see him once at work and he’d be on my mind for a month (we worked in a big factory). After two years he split up with his wife and he hit me up! I thought we wouldn’t be compatible because I thought he was a bit of an a-hole from when he was mean to me (this didn’t stop me liking him) but it turns out he’s just an amazing person who set boundaries, trying to do right by the wife who didn’t love him back.

    Since we got together, we never look back. Unless it’s me reminding him how he upgraded massively.

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