Is that really bad if i like long foreplay? I mean it’s getting me excited and I don’t like having it too short. I feel like something is wrong with me because of it. I would like to know your opinions guys.

  1. Nah. Long foreplay is AWESOME.

    Maybe not every single time, but long foreplay is definitely something that fits into a healthy mix.

  2. The entire concept of “foreplay” is kind of incorrect, because it frames PIV/intercourse as the main/only sex act and everything else as non-essential or “foreplay,” when actually it’s other forms of sex that tend to get women off, because the majority of women don’t orgasm from penetration alone.

    It’s 100% fine for you to want the sex you’re having to include activities that feel good for you, even if those are non-penetrative activities. Anyone who tells you otherwise is sexually selfish and/or misinformed.

  3. I think long foreplay is awesome, the longer the better for me, can take the time to experiment and develop new things and just enjoy each other so much, everything else is kinda like the cherry on top of an already delicious cake. 🙂

  4. Long foreplay is *fabulous* and you (and more importantly your partner) should do whatever gives you the most pleasure!

  5. I don’t think there is anything wrong with it. As a guy, I like it too. I enjoy touching and kissing and licking and sucking and all of that. As long as it takes!

    I will say this though, and it’s not at all criticism. I see sex somewhat like a meal. It’s wonderful to do the whole multi course meal thing. Wine and appetizers, maybe a salad, then the main, and finally dessert and an aperitif. That is fun, and satisfying and everything.

    But sometimes, a quick trip through the BK drive through for a Whopper is what you need. I would just suggest that you not dismiss the “quicky.” And that’s not because “he needs it” or some BS, it’s just a part of a fun and varied sex life.

    But honestly, long foreplay is fun!

  6. That’s fine. It’s great, actually. If your partners are on the same wavelengths, you can amazing experiences. We call it “foreplay” but let’s be real, many of the things we do during it are just sex. Vaginal or anal penetration aren’t the only way to do sex but we tend to think like that. All the non-penetrative fun, sexy things are just as valid, and gratifying, and intimate, and intense as penetration can be if we treat them like main events instead of just openers.

    There is nothing wrong with you. I think you have a great outlook and attitude. Foreplay is great for warming up before penetration; but when you give those acts more gravitas and invest more time, effort, and intimacy into them you’re just straight up having sex in creative and fulfilling ways… and that’s awesome. Keeps your playbook full and your routines fresh as long as your partners feel the same way.

  7. Nope. You’re entitled to like whatever you want(among consenting adults).

  8. Nah 99% of the girls i know and slept with say that was the best part about sex , so it’s What most women like u are not speacial or weird for feeling that way 😉

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