How do you react?

  1. I’m deaf and my brother would always use my hearing against me like I’m insane when I say I know what I heard (not necessarily hear in a literal sense too – aka, things written out)…

  2. When they know they’re the favorite so they do things like break your toys and stab you knowing you’ll be the one who gets punished for it.

  3. Like most little brothers i would say kick my ass

    Well used to, now I’m the taller sibling

  4. my sister and i share restrooms and she always leaves the toilet paper roll empty…sometimes she’ll even put the new toilet paper on TOP of the empty roll likeeeeee ???????????

  5. Take longer to eat their easter chocolates so when you have scoffed all yours you are left eyeing them jealously eating their hoarded stash.

  6. Borrows your car.

    For a month.

    Then abandons it somewhere on the other side of Texas.

  7. In my case, too stubborn, proud, and inflexible to having productive, positive and open relationships to talk. It’s very immature and the lack of reciprocation makes me want to do less, not more.

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