We’ve been in a relationship for 6 months now and haven’t had sex yet.. she let’s me play with her boobs and do whatever with them but never lets me go down below.. she also shares sexual memes and other sex related posts with me on Instagram and says that she wants her to have sex with me so much, all on her own, I never even talk to her about sex all although she knows I want it and also says she dreams about it but she can’t do it bcz she’s afraid and some stupid reasons like she thinks she’s too young and thinks about her career..

She’s also a Virgin, as she says.. I do believe it.. she’s a nice girl.. but I’m a male and at my age I need to fulfill my sexualities for a healthy mind and I hate masturbation..

I’m confused how to proceed with this.. as of now I’m thinking to confront her up on this matter on our next meetup and try my best to escalate things.. if she still rejects then I don’t know what should I do..

Tl;dr: My gf doesn’t let me have sex with her and I’m old enough and I definitely have needs..

  1. Break up. There is nothing to confront. It would be highly unethical for you to have sex with her if she chose to do so under pressure from you. Since she isn’t ready to have sex, and you want a sexual relationship, you do not want a relationship with her. That is fine. Just tell her this relationship isn’t working for you and end it.

  2. >My gf doesn’t let me have sex with her and I’m old enough and I definitely have needs.

    She doesn’t “owe” you sex.

    If she doesn’t want to have sex with you, and you want to be in a relationship where you’re having sex, then you need a different girlfriend.

    Do **not** try and pressure her into having sex with you, just to keep your relationship going. That would be an awful thing for you to do.

  3. She is probably insecure about something. Try and reassure her rather than pressure her

  4. Sex is not a need. It’s a want. You’re not going to shrivel up and die if you don’t get laid.

    Pressuring her is not ok (and would likely backfire) so all you have is masturbation or breaking up to try to find someone ready for sex. Being unready for sex at 21 isn’t super unusual.

  5. Not sure how much clearer the boundaries could be…if you “need” sex (what, were you on death’s doorstep without it? what’s wrong with your hand?) it won’t be with her.

  6. >My gf doesn’t let me have sex with her and I’m old enough and I definitely have needs..

    Btw the way you phrased this makes it sound like you want to use her body to masturbate, not have a shared experience. When it comes to sex, what’s in it for her?

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