What is your answer to mansplaining?

  1. Roll my eyes and let them finish talking, then just move on like nothing happened lol

  2. Put on my best “live action decoy” unblinking creepy listening smile until they finally run out of steam. Then wait for there to be just slightly too much awkward silence, they say “anyway, as I was saying” and act as though they never spoke.

    If they interupt, i leave the Convo

  3. Depends on my mood and the person. If they should know better I raise one eyebrow, look at them. Most fade away or pretend they were laying it out for themselves. and they dont do it again to me. They up their game.

    If they dont take the hint, I add some implications or comparison contrast to demonstrate a complexity of understanding of the topic at or beyond theirs and,if Im really annoyed, may add a relevant but difficult question or philosophical question that has no answer in this life. That usually does it.

    If they are not really mansplaining but being enthusiastic, they love this response because it echoes their enthusiasm.

    But sometimes I just look at them blankly then return to the topic before they started talking. They arent as certain to understand their mansplaining was the trigger though.

    For example, on receiving end of how politics work at job. I might reply, “that is okay as a starting point but it doesnt work w/x because X wont use email. Ive found it is better to check in with y about Xs mood and to lean toward dealing with X on a Monday in the afternoon but before the team mtg. What sorts of patterns have you noticed?”

    or “But then the major issue is to what extent does it undermine other agendas if you do that too frequently and thus earn some enemies. Does one use this consistently and risk x noticing and feeling manipulated? How do you feel about that?

  4. They have an explanation, a theory , and a name for everything… simply ignore, or nod my head. Doesn’t change anything …

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