What is something that is a blessing but also a curse?

  1. Being smart. While things such as attending school and engaging in conversations can be a lot easier, there’s also a few downfalls.

    Firstly, you tend to analyze situations going on around you, to the point where you jump to conclusions that tend to be illogical. This can lead to a lot of anxiety that can be debilitating if not addressed sooner rather than later.

    Also, people tend to take advantage of you. Their TV doesn’t work? They ask why, and if you say you genuinely don’t know why they get mad at you and tell you to go figure it out. They need help writing a paper? You end up writing the whole thing for them because they don’t want to help themselves if someone who would write better than them can do it for them

  2. Periods inform us that we are not pregnant but *everything else about them*

  3. Being on the taller side. Being able to easily reach items on high shelves is a plus, but finding clothes (especially pants) that are long enough can be a pain.

    Edit: Also, breasts. Pro: they’re free stress balls you have on you. Con: the soreness/tenderness/pain, good bras being expensive and being sexualised for having them.

  4. Looking like a child

    I’m in my 20s but legit look like I’m 12, I get carded everywhere, and sometimes guys won’t date me because they think it’s weird how young I look

    But the bright side is that while all my friends are freaking out about looking old, I’m just never aging lol

  5. Having long legs. I like how they look and all, but finding pants that are long enough can be really hard.

  6. A photographic (or at least a very, very good) memory.

    Pluses: great for students when information has to be remembered; friends & family ask for your help in recounting past events; can be a plus at your job, depending on what you do.

    Minus: remembering bad events all too well, even when no one else does or they dismiss your recollection because “it was so long ago.”

    I’ve never completely gotten over some of the mean and nasty things people have said or done to me simply because I can remember exactly how crappy they made me feel. Even if it happened 40 years ago.

  7. Wearing my heart on my sleeve. Great because I’m incredibly honest and an open book. Awful because a lot of people will try to take advantage of me and use that against me.

  8. Having really long hair. It’s beautiful and thick and always gets compliments.

    But I have to throughly brush and oil it every day so that it doesn’t become a nest.

    I’ve got spots on my shoulders and back because of the heat of the hair constantly on top of it.

    Ages to wash and AGES to dry.

    Neck pain from the sheer weight of it.

    Ordinary clips and hair ties break because there’s too much hair.

  9. Being able to control your emotions 100%. It’s a blessing because my job requires me to focus on the task at hand and not get emotional about sad situations(I work in law and have to handle really crappy situations involving family, abuse, drugs, etc). The curse part is that I struggle to know what I feel when I don’t HAVE to block out my emotions. It usually takes me far longer to process stuff because I have to chose to work through my emotions and I have found that I subconsciously avoid doing that.

  10. Being short.

    Our dating pool is wide open without apprehension/judgment/fragile masculinity, people typically think we are cute, clothes are typically easy to come by or can be altered, and we fit comfortably in backseats or airplane seats. Leg room is never a problem.

    BUT, the jokes suck and reaching the top shelves is problematic. Wish I could carry a stepstool to the grocery store.

  11. Drama/ gossip/ tea- a curse bc it’s never ending but shows you who was trouble and who to stay clear from.

  12. Having a fat ass and small waist. The blessing is obvious but the curse is never and I mean NEVER being able to find pants or jeans that accommodate my proportions. I live in yoga pants and leggings against my will.

  13. Being analytic and open minded, obviously it’s a blessing when you need to.. duh.. analyse something. It’s also a curse because you tend to overanalyse everything and second-guessing every single thought to the point of being perpetually indecisive.

    Being an honest and trusting person, it’s a blessing because your friends come to treasure your opinion but also a curse because you’re super easy to be taken advantage of.

  14. Having a hyper-active imagination. On the one hand, you’re never bored for long because you’re always sort of living in this internal universe of your own making. Creativity and adventure comes naturally to you. You can make even the most mundane day-to-day experiences exciting. But it has a dark side to it too, getting lost in your own world. Some horror movies stay with me longer than a week sometimes. Easy to get traumatised too. Otherwise, I’d say it’s more a blessing.

  15. Baby face.

    I have been mistook for a 12 yr multiple times, this one guy at an RV convention literally asked me where my parents were when he noticed I was alone, & I am all the way convinced that’s the reason why I don’t experience creepy dudes as much as other women have.

    To be fair though I don’t go anywhere alone, so there’s that

    Ppl don’t think it’s weird when I dress in kidcore, because they think I’m a kid, so I often get compliments on my aesthetic. Not really told I should dress my age

    Kids aren’t weirded out when I ask to play with them at baby showers and stuff, I have been told “I thought you were my age” SO many times(other adults are so boring)

    The only real drawback is when other people my age think I’m a kid, and talk down to me until corrected. *Then* my kidcore aesthetic is seen as weird(Idgaf though, it’s my life)

  16. Having large breasts. I am a curvy lady so I like that my body is proportional with wide hips/booty and boobs. Looks great in certain clothes. however, bras are expensive. Boobs are heavy AF and I do have back/shoulder/headache issues. Creepy questions about them and stares can be gross. Tshirts that fit other people normally don’t fit me at all. People can wear the same cut of a shirt, and be work appropriate and I will get called out for being not work appropriate.

  17. Being an open book. People trust me because I’m very honest but they also know where it hurts if they want to.

  18. Speaking multiple languages.

    Pros: obviously, very lucky to be able to speak several languages. It’s a unique skill.

    Cons: even if it’s not part of your job title/description, you WILL get called upon to wear the “translator” hat if you speak whatever language is needed.

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