Me (16M) and my girlfriend (16F) have been dating since December. There’s this girl I used to be friends with, let’s call her Ann. I had a class with Ann in 2nd semester of my sophomore year. My girlfriend at the time didn’t like the fact I talked to her in that class because she found out from my friends that me and Ann had some history and I used to like Ann. But that is completely in the past now and I only care about my girlfriend. I so cut off Ann and unadded her on all socials but i still talked to her in class cause we sat at the same table.

In may, me and my girlfriend broke up, I broke up with her because of some stuff that happened and a few days later I hung out with Ann and a few of my other friends cause I just wanted to get over my breakup. Me and my girlfriend still had eachother added on snap chat and that same night she poured her heart out to me and told me she still had feelings and she loves me (if she did I wouldn’t have not felt not loved by her at the time) and but said we cannot be together and just stay friends. That same night she found out I hung out with Ann and she took back everything she said and blocked me.

Fast forward into late June, me and my girlfriend work things out and we start over again and I cut off Ann because I care about my relationship with my girlfriend and everything went well.

Now present time, we just started our junior year of high school and my girlfriend has 1sr period with Ann. Yeah it’s awkward, but she told me just now on FaceTime that whenever she looks at her in class she just thinks about what I did in the past and about how me and Ann are “besties” this isn’t the first time she’s said stuff like this it’s like she just can’t let go and move on from it and I always try to reassure her I only want my girlfriend and I only care about my girlfriend and I don’t want to mess anything up. She unpinned me on snap just cause she saw Ann in her class and reminded her of all the stuff that happened. And my girlfriend blames me that her mom doesn’t let us hangout because of the things that happen in the past but my girlfriend doesn’t even try to make an effort to talk to her mom about me and try to make things right so I don’t know if I should say something about that or just let things take it’s course.

It really pisses me off when she makes plans with me but then decides not to do them because her mom will get mad. I’ve been so caring and loving for my girlfriend since we got back together, I don’t know what to do about this and I want her to stop bringing up stuff from the past, how should I talk to her about this and let her know how I feel when she does this stuff? And how can I fix this? All of this?

TL;DR Girlfriend has a class with girl she doesn’t like because I used to have a crush on the girl and she says she’s mad at me whenever she looks at her in class and blames me for not being able to hangout because mom doesn’t like me but doesn’t make an effort to try and talk to her mom about me so we can hangout again. How can I fix this? What should I say to her? Is she acting childish and not being able to move on from the past because I feel like she’s letting the past affect our relationship currently? So should I apologize again and again?

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