I’ve been feeling kinda lonely and I got asked out on a date this weekend. Or a dateish but I’m on the fence. I felt like I had made a lot of progress being on my own until recently and I reverted back to old habits. I’m not sure if I wanna go back to being alone tho ( cause it’s been harder lately ) or try to date ( even tho ik in my heart I’m not ready ) also at the same time I just met him and he’s not my type but i haven’t dated in over 2 years so maybe I need to be open to different types. I’m not sure what to do.
Tbh after a 2 year break I want the first date to be worth my time

  1. In my heart I want to wait until I found someone who give me the butterflies and makes me blush and makes me nervous etc.

  2. Thinks it’s pretty important that you’re honest with him. It’s not fair on him or yourself if you’re forcing yourself to do something you don’t really want to do. Maybe you need more time, and that’s totally fine. I’d just be honest and upfront. If I was this guy I’d rather be told that then get my hopes up for something that’s not real.

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