Apologies for the length, just want to give as much context as possible. So I (F30) recently moved to a new area and met someone (M42) randomly on the street at a local outside event. I noticed him and was feeling bold and approached him because he appeared to be alone. We easily slipped into conversation and it ended with him asking me out. We ended up meeting for drinks and appetizers at a casual bar. I thought the date went exceedingly well. Despite the age difference we have a lot in common. He was warm, interested, and very kind. We didn’t want the conversation to end, so we ended up going back to his place where we continued to get to know each other, talk, laugh, and drink a little. We ended up kissing. There was definitely chemistry. I explained to him that I don’t sleep with people on the first date, but that I am interested and attracted to him. He reciprocated the sentiment. I left in the early morning hours and let him know I would love to see him again. He agreed and excitedly suggested places he’d like to take me especially since I’m new to the area.

He texted me the next day and we chatted like friends would. However, I soon noticed he would take longer and longer to respond. Because of what he does for work, he is often busy, especially in the summer. It also sometimes requires travel and working from home. He let me know he’s very introverted and private and likes to take time alone and recharge. However, he never followed up with a concrete time for a second date but has said he’s interested. We continued to just chat and check in with each other. He called me once in the morning out of the blue to check in. He stays engaged just enough to not ghost me, but will commonly take 24-48 hours to respond to a simple text.

Then, about two weeks ago, he asked me if I was interested in doing a job for him that involved editing, something he works in and something I have some experience with. He said he’d pay me and while I thought it was a little odd because we had gone on a date and both expressed romantic interest, I did the job. It went smoothly, and he was very appreciative. We’ve seen each other in person a few times outside of the context of a date, and he’s always warm, flirtacious, etc. But fast forward to now, and he barely responds to texts and has yet to pay me or confirm he wants to go on a second date or just keep it as friends.

Yesterday, I woke up and noticed he had followed all of my social media. I hadn’t heard from him for a few days, so I texted him and asked if he would be interested in having dinner or drinks with me again. He immediately responded with, “Yes, absolutely!” I followed up with asking if there was an evening that was free for him that he had in mind. I wanted him to set the time because his schedule is much more packed than mine (I’m free most evenings). And nothing. No response. Not even a “let me get back with you.”

I’ve let him know I’m a big girl and can handle if he wanted to just stay friends. He and I have both recently come out of bad marriages and there is an age difference, so I would understand, but he seemed so interested and enthusiastic about getting to know me. Yet, I did a job for him that he offered to pay me for (I never asked for pay), and has yet to do so. I feel very strung along and used. And disappointed because I actually really like him and could see a potential relationship. I know in general, mixed signals usually means no, but it’s just odd that someone his age would purposefully lie and string me along, especially when I have given him ample opportunity to tell me he’s not interested without any hurt feelings. He’s very well known in our community, and has plenty of friends who seem to love him and vouch for him that he’s a decent guy.

My question is, should I reach out and let him know he’s giving mixed signals and I would like a direct yes or no if he is interested in dating or not, and also follow up about the editing job I did for him and ask if he still intends to pay me or not?

TLDR; Met a man and our first date went extremely well. We’ve both expressed interest in each other, and I did an editing job for him. It’s been several weeks and he won’t confirm a time for a second date and has yet to pay me for the job I did, despite expressing romantic interest in me. We’ve kept it friendly, but is he using me, and should I directly ask him what the deal is?

  1. When guys are stressed out they don’t want to talk a lot. They do want sex as it relieves stress better than pretty much anything else. Yea he should be more responsive but I’m just telling you like it is

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