How often do you expect to see a partner for the relationship to work?

  1. I think it depends on the relationship, how long you’ve been together and the type of people you are. I don’t think there’s just one answer to this. I spent almost 24/7 with my partner until about 1.5 months ago (for about 6 years) it was good. Now I’m working out of home and we spend more time apart.

    It’s about making it work.

  2. It depends on the relationship. When my husband and I first started dating, once a week was good. But when we started to get to know each other, three times a week was good. Then we got to a period of time where if we didn’t see each other every day, it was like having DTs. Now that we’re married, we spend probably 60% of our time together. And I swear some times I still get lonesome for him. I have the occasional business trip without him and we always miss each other and get infuriatingly affectionate when we get home.

  3. Depends hugely. My partner lived 3 hours away with awkward work schedule and we saw each other every few weeks to every few months to start with around covid lockdowns. But it became gradually more when we could. Communicated everyday. Introduced to my daughter. And eventually he’s now moved in with us and it’s working more than i hoped

  4. When we first started dating, we would meet up 2-3 times a week and go on dates.

  5. We started out every other weekend due to my custody schedule. Now it’s every other day to every few days. Quality time is something that I have to have in a relationship. Luckily, I have someone with the same need.

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