
  1. I worked at a (smallish) Waitrose for a few months over Christmas time last year, so I’ll try and answer some of your questions.

    -people don’t have their own aisle for stacking shelves, but will do things in a general area. For example, I mainly did replen, which was basically all the not fresh stuff, so it was about 7 aisles of tins, cereal, chocolate etc. Then other people were on fresh, others on fruit and veg. Normally the same people would do checkouts, but anyone can be called onto them if they are too busy. Also I was sometimes on reducing(which have their team who normally do it) if they were behind.

    The job is easy, but can be stressful depending on how behind they are with what needs to be done. I personally fine monotonous jobs to be more tiring so wouldn’t have much energy left to focus on a side hustle, but that may just be me haha

  2. It depends on the supermarket. In Aldi and Lidl you are expected to do everything including cleaning the toilets.

    Other supermarkets you will do the job(s) you are trained for, including

    * general shelving/replenishment
    * back door, ie goods inwards off the lorries
    * fruit and veg
    * fresh chilled and dairy
    * checkouts
    * customer service


    In some cases you will get paid a bit more once you get multiskilled eg can do both shelving and checkouts.

    They will be scanning barcodes of price labels to check the price label on the shelf is correct and matches the price on the tills.

  3. I worked in a Tesco extra for 8 years, it was an OK job, how much you enjoy it will depend on the management and other staff. I had mostly decent managers and most of the staff were decent so it was a better time than you would think. It didn’t take much brain power (I ran my side hustle on the side for a bit then quit to do it full time).

    1) Night shift got a specific aisle every night but in the day time you did whatever needed doing, over a 4-6 hour shift you may do 3/4 aisles while doing other tasks.

    2) Cashiers tend to just be cashiers, the floor staff tend to help with unloading deliveries and doing warehouse and shop floor jobs.

    3) They are checking the price of the product, making sure the label is the correct price, the store doesn’t want to be showing an item at a lower price than it actually is as Tesco’s policy at the time was double the difference refund.

  4. Worked at Asda for 8 years Home Delivery.
    The job was mostly OK but the management was terrible throughout.
    May have just been my store but i doubt it.

  5. Worked at sainsburys last year doing online shopping, was quite easy and relaxing plus you get to move around a lot, only thing was getting up early

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