Whenever a man seduces a woman in any media, it’s often a first date or chance encounter situation. So, years into a relationship, what do you do to set the mood and show your intentions without being too cheesy/tongue-in-cheek?

  1. Just do the same first date stuff you did before. Effort attention and thoughtfulness goes a long way

  2. If you are in a long-term marriage, if you have to seduce your wife for sex, you shouldn’t of married.

  3. First thing do to is to be as desirable as possible.

    Could you lose a little weight? Dress a little better? Get your hair right? Groom yourself. Smell awesome?

    Be your best self. That will go along way. Then, recreate the situations you had as a young couple.

    What were the risky, sneaky, hot things you used to do when you were falling in love?

    Does your partner read romance? Watch it? Does she have slight kinks or preferences you could explore.

    Ramp up the desire for her. Let her know she looks sexy. Let her know you love her body. Bring that insatiable hunger for her to the fore.

    Don’t make it just about sex. But intimacy and affection. Dote on her. Raise her up.

    Everything should scream “I fucking love my wife!”

  4. I just tell her things like, “Surprisingly enough, I actually do kind of like you. “

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