Is she serious or did I do something and she is making me jealous. There is no intimacy between us is it because of that and she is trying to tell me to be more intimate

  1. Ask yourself if you find it acceptable to be in a non monogamous relationship.
    If you are fine with that, wish her a happy time and tell her you will be open to other people as well.

    If you want a monogamous relationship, just her talking and thinking about another man is unacceptable already.
    Then let her go her own way.

  2. Do not answer her and block immediately. Number and all social media. She doesn’t deserve 1 extra second of your time. And if you still doubt/have some “hope”: she already fucked him or is about to do it. Normal people break up and don’t taunt other with cheating. Remove this POS from your life now. You’ll thank me later.

  3. She might or might not actually talking to another guy, she might or might not date him later, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that she is using your emotion as the hostage for whatever the thing she want, and that’s not good for your mental health.

  4. She gone have sex with the guy REGARDLESS of what you do. You want a girlfriend who is sleeping with someone else? Choose.

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