(Throwaway because I’m embarrassed)

Alright, I’ve been struggling lately. I’ve been single for about a year and a half which during this time I’ve only had one partner before this I was in a realtionship for 7ish years where I had a pretty constant flow of attention/intimacy. Sadly, I’m just an borderline average looking dude and attempts to meet women for just fun situation ships haven’t panned out. I don’t have that \*flair\* apparently. At this point I’ve been trying to distract myself by starting new hobbies, working out, and masturbating 2-3 times a day however it’s not helping.

How do you handle the lack of consistent sex/intimacy in your lives? I’ve never really had this problem before and it’s starting to take a toll on my mental health to the point of driving me to suicidal ideation.

  1. The things you mentioned you did to distract yourself are actually great and beneficial for you. I recommend doing them especially working out more.
    Sex is actually amazing and enjoyable but it isn’t everything life has to offer for us. If you really want to find a partner who will fulfill this need, try going out more and talking to people (at gym, workplace, etc). If you can’t find any there, try dating apps.
    I also recommend making yourself busy like doing your hobbies more often or covering the shifts of your coworkers or finding a part-time job on top of a full-time job. If you don’t want/can’t do this, you can also volunteer at your local food bank/soup kitchen during your free time and find a greater purpose for your life (not to say you don’t have any).

  2. I will give u two advices , one is bad but EASY and one is good but hard , the first one is the good one , women like a confident man and someone intresting/fun , maybe like u said u don’t have that flair as in u are not that fun/funny (which is normal i am a boring man myself) , so try to look mystrious and don’t talk too much and improve ur body language (winks , cheeky smile …), Just act like u got game and back it up with confidence and no one will suspect till u get laid , wear good parfume , women love that shit get a hormonal one , the bad advice is , hire hookers (better have one or two that would go with u to the doctor every week when u plan to have sex , it will save u time and energy and in sometimes money , good Luck

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