I really just need this input if I’m being irrational. My boyfriend (27M) and I (24M) are doing UberEATS and I just accepted an order for the next place. We’ve been frustrated with each other right before this because I was becoming depressed with how he was talking to me. Suddenly I start seeing him tailing this car and I he starts speeding on a busy road. He starts following them all the way to their house and he drives off. I ask him what happened and why he did that and he said I didn’t need to know other than they were “doing typical road shit” (someone driving badly/ cutting him off). He starts talking about how now he knows where they live and later he’s gonna go do something later to teach them a lesson. I told him I wanted to know so I can get a understanding of why he feels the way he does before he goes and does something dangerous (several times now has he gone to break a car window or scratch up a person car because of what they did on the road). I also mention that if he’s actually gonna go through with it, that I’m leaving the scene before he does anything so I won’t be involved. He says that if I leave, he’ll just break up with me. He then angrily says that I’m undermining him and invalidating his feelings for questioning what he’s doing and not being 100% with him and trusting that he’s doing it for the right reasons. I told him I never fucking said that and that I was just asking what happened for him to go this far to FOLLOWING someone to their house when we’re on an order and we’re not even going the right direction. I never said that I don’t support what you’re doing(I mean I don’t but I have no say to change his mind on doing things), I was just wanting to know and since he won’t tell me, I’m going to leave the area and he’ll have to come to me so the car won’t be seen near the house. Is there any advice I can have and if what you would do in this situation?

  1. I would be leaving him. He’s going to jail one of these days. He has serious issues.

  2. In this day and age, you never know who’s strapped. This is incredibly stupid and he’s trying to get you caught up in it. I hate to be the typical redditor that says break up, but he’s trying to put your life in danger and is getting pissed that you’re asking why. This is incredibly manipulative and dangerous.

    He’s going to hold this over your head to try to guilt you into doing it, and next thing you know, he’s blaming you and saying you’re the one who told him to do it.

  3. Hes abusive. Abuse is not always in the form of physically hurting you. Him putting you in a dangerous situation because he’s mad, him gambling your life on the road cause he’s angry, him stalking someone for revenge, and him giving you mental anguish cause he’s selfish still constitutes as abuse.

    There was just a video going around where a woman started shooting at a car over road rage.

    Run without a review mirror! 🏃🏻‍♀️💨

  4. Break up. He’s going to get you killed by getting into a road rage altercation, or get you in legal trouble when the cops get called and he gets arrested.

  5. Your partner is dangerous and unwell. You need to leave this relationship with the help of a DV hotline.

    Have you considered reported his repeated acts of stalking and vandalism to the cops? He needs to be charged for the things he’s done!

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