I(29f) went out yesterday to visit an event and went to afterparty. I’m happy with single life for now but don’t mind flirting and dating. I got hit on by three guys on one night, I always thought this kind of thing would be fun. It’s not, and it felt empty and uncomfortable.

One was a friend of a friend, he’s sweet and we talk once in a while but I never thought anything romantic with him. He was proposing ‘go for a drink just two of us’ next week. I didn’t wanted to make him feel rejected so I kinda blurred the answer and changed the topic.

Another one was a random guy at the event, who I never met before. We talked a while, and I thought he was flirting with me. He was asking questions like “Are you alone?” “Do you wanna go somewhere else?” I’m really dense with these stuff most of the time, and I wasn’t quite sure what to do. But after an hour I saw him making out with a girl in public and I was confused?

Next one was another acquaintance. He was asking A LOT OF questions like, “Do you mind anything casual?” “Do you think I’m a good match?” “What are you looking in relationships?” “Do I sound desperate?”

They weren’t pushy or uncomfortable at all—Three guys approaching to me in that way, in one night, was quite overwhelming. It also felt like a lot of people are playing roulettes with this dating strategy. People will ask you out or try to make ‘the two time’, but most of them don’t really care what the others are talking now. Now I get why some people are eager to get married young.

Now I feel really empty. I rarely give a decent shot of date these days and I never date multiple people at once, it’s just too much for me. Maybe I don’t have an opportunity to love someone anymore now.

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