What are some things in a relationship that you consider annoying/overly clingy??

  1. IMO constant need for reassurance. I’ve seen some say that they constantly need it and that they very often need to be sent texts, be in contact etc.

    Sure we’re all human and have a desire for intimacy and connection, but if you’re just like “oh my god I constantly always need reassurance and this is just the way I am so deal with it or else” then IMO that’s some type of baggage from previous relationships or maybe unaddressed emotional issues (for lack of better wording).

  2. Please stop obsessing over the light being left on. The daily cost of one LED light bulb is 0.005 cents. The refrigerater costs about 1 dollar/day . The air conditioner costs 2-3 dollars/day.

  3. Trying to make me become exclusive with them.

    Asking for more time that I said I have.

    Wanting constant reassurances.

  4. Getting angry if our schedules don’t line up or we can’t talk all day. We’re both adults and have our own lives. As long as we find some time during the day to come together.

  5. Feeling a way because I had plans and they weren’t invited or aware. I have a life outside of this relationship. You should too.

  6. Constant texting/phone calls; I’ve got things to do that I can’t be picking up my phone every 3 minutes.

    Complaining about reasonable amounts of time I spend out of her presence; we both work all day, I want to spend an hour at the gym, I want to go out with friends once a week, I’m going camping with my dad for a weekend.

    Lack of self-reliance; I can’t fix everything for you, you’re an adult that can problem solve your own issues.

  7. In my opinion clingy is one of those spectrum terms that depends mostly on how interested two parties are in one another or what their dynamic is.

    For example my parents have been married 20+ years and have never considered each other clingy even though a-lot of people would consider things they do clingy.

    On the other hand I had an ex girlfriend in high-school who considered it “clingy” that I would walk her home after school while the next girlfriend in college loved it.

    So assuming two people are acting reasonably there’s no real solid definition of “clingy”

    Some exceptions would be obviously massively inconveniencing your partner by inviting yourself to things you’re clearly not invited too or not allowing them personal space by walking in on them taking a shit or whatever. Even then I know of couples who do that so take that info for whatever it’s worth.

  8. I feel like i only get clingy if the other person in the relationship is sending me mixed signals or isn’t communicating things. Some people will withdraw when they are overwhelmed and I am fine with that, but I need it communicated or i’ll overthink it into the fucking ground.

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