We’re all having to make cutbacks during this cost of living crisis, so the other day instead of going for my trusty HP sauce i went for the cheapest one, the co-op house brand.

And i have to say, im absolutely disappointed. Wish i had spent that extra pound.

So, which one do *you* use at home?

  1. Try the ones from Lidl / Aldi. Cheap as chips but pretty good plus if you don’t like it you’ve not wasted much

  2. Have you thought if getting your HP sauce from one of those near to or just past the best before dates?

  3. I’ve tried them all and none compare. It has to be HP, I’m afraid. Everything else will always feel like a compromise.

  4. I find the best value is investing in the things that give the food flavour, save money on the bulk ingredients personally. If a sauce/condiment elevates a meal, it’s worth spending a little extra on that.

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