There are times that I see us having a future together and am very happy. Other times I feel like it is just a safe decision. I know we can do life together. I know we would have security. I know that we could have the white picket fence life, a few kids and be solid. But lately I’ve been questioning if that will be enough for me long term.I’ve been questioning if that life with him would make me happy. I don’t need crazy passionate fairytale love…but I want more than practical. I have been finding myself fantasizing about the future I could have with other men. Almost every woman I know that has settled down talks about ‘what could’ve been’ with exes or with the men in their lives now. Is this what marriage is for the majority? But then I think of all the horrors stories of dating now and am grateful. My boyfriend is solid, calculated, safe and makes me smile. What more could I want? Trust was broken very early on both sides of the relationship and he has moved on but I haven’t. This has made me very insecure in the relationship. I am terrified of resenting him for a life I chose when so knew I could be unhappy this early on. Is it selfish to stay with him while I figure it out?

TL/DR: My boyfriend is great but I am unsure that I can be happy with him long term and feel I may be settling. Should marriage be safe or should I be waiting for more and is it selfish to stay with him while I figure it out?

1 comment
  1. >Trust was broken very early on both sides of the relationship and he has moved on but I haven’t. This has made me very insecure in the relationship

    Could you elaborate on this?

    Whatever is going on, if you still can’t trust him, I think it’s time to move on…

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