When I last did a routine round of STI tests both for prosperity’s sake and to get a refill on my PrEP, I found out that my health insurance had been cancelled (I was working for my dad at the time and he had us under a policy, but for some reason he cancelled it, presumably because it got to be too expensive) when I received a $450 bill from the labs for my tests. About 4 days ago I ran out of my PrEP and am pretty stressed out because I’m still paying off the last bill and can’t afford to get hit with another one of those right now, but I want to keep going with it as I take my sexual health very seriously. Unfortunately everywhere I’ve looked shows that no one offers affordable or free STI tests like what I need as someone with no health insurance, so I have no clue what I’m supposed to do at this point.

  1. If you are in USA, check with your county health department or a charitable health organization.

  2. The *best* solution is to get your own insurance. If you cannot pay for it, your state government offers highly subsidized insurance.

    If that is not feasible, your county health-department can help a great deal.

  3. If you’re in the US Planned Parenthood does a sliding scale and can get you in touch with additional resources.

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