I’m kind of turned off from online dating and want to have the courage to approach boys for a date, but I’m worried that it might come off as creepy. I like video games and general nerdy stuff so I frequent game shops, so I see some guys playing Magic there or browsing games.

Would it be weird to go up to someone and ask them to teach me how to play Magic, or just to talk about whatever game they’re looking at? I guess this applies to any type of nerdy convention, not just game shops. Just wondering if guys mind if a girl comes up to them asking for a date or just to talk.

  1. They don’t mind but in the circle you’re in they can tend to be a bit more on the shy awkward side but nonetheless guuuurl shoot yo shot

  2. Most guys will not mind, no. Unless you’re being super annoying about it, and then they’d mind no matter who was asking.

    Game shops and the like are often a small, close-knit community, so it’s a good place to make new friends. By virtue of demographics, a significant number of those will be single dudes.

  3. Nah. Not at all. It’s who you are. It’s what you like. I’d happily go on a date like that. Because I like it too. It sounds fun.

    Is it nerdy? Yeah. Is it niche? Yup. Is it creepy? Hell no!

  4. I think the boy you ask out will be surprised, but extremely happy.
    That’s basically a nerd’s best dream, to be asked to go out by a cute gamer girl 🙂
    (Saying this as a former nerd lol)

  5. I’d say generally whichever guy gets asked out at a games shop will consider himself the luckiest nerd on the planet.
    Most of us would think we won the lottery even if it never went any further than a conversation at the store.

    As have been previously mentioned though, nerds and geeks tend to be reserved. We might even think you’re trying to trick us into something because girls don’t just walk up to us and talk. It just doesn’t happen. So it would be very awesome but scary as all helos.

    Not all nerds are great people though and getting attention could trigger something. I don’t want to scare you away from doing this but I’ve had friends become absolutely obsessed by a girl from simply getting attention.

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