My (22f) boyfriend (22m) broke up with me after over a year of living together / dating. We were perfect for each other and often commented on how amazing it was that we were so damn compatible. We fell in love so quickly and so deeply; it felt so right.

He recently started his full time career after graduating and I have a year of school left. He dumped me when I had to move out of our apartment for college (2 hours away). I was so blindsided and still am. I fully intend(ed) on marrying him. We’re going to try to remain friends, but it’s going to be hell for me.

He admitted that he left me because he thinks we aren’t long term compatible, but he still loves me. I don’t think he believes me when I say I want a calm, normal, domestic life now. I used to want to travel and stuff, but after living with him for over a year I just want a job, family, and him forever. I would gladly trade-in the nonrealistic pipe dream I had as a teenager to be a functional member of society for him.
I want to prove to him that I can be more stable and have a steady job.

Before he left me, I quit my crazy-scheduled, outdoorsy job I hated and decided a path I want more which is more consistent and indoors. I no longer want to spend money on just anything, but save it for the future. Originally, these were things he and I disagreed on but, he made me realize that I want consistency and stability in a job and to be better with money in general.

TL;DR: I am choosing to be led on and not move on. I’ve never been one to beg for my partner to stay, but he’s my one. I choose to stay in contact with him so I can show him how I have changed and hopefully he will take me back.

1 comment
  1. If thats the reason he left you, why do you think he didnt talk out his concerns with you before deciding ?

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