I went on the third date with this girl and we talked very openly about past experiences and stuff.
At the end of the date I really wanted to kiss her and from the look on her face I think she wanted it too.
But I got scared and hugged her very akwardly.
Should I tell her that I wanted to kiss her but just got really anxious about it and kiss her on the next date?
Is it embarrasing for a guy to ask a girl about kissing her?

  1. I would recommend that if you will feel like it then kiss her on another date and after some time you can tell her that you really wanted on that 3rd but you chickened out. I wouldn’t say it before the kiss.

  2. Not embarrassing. Really cute actually. I would literally just send a text saying “man, I should’ve kissed you shouldn’t I?”

  3. “I wanted to kiss you at the end of the last date. I’d like to try kissing you next time I see you.”

    Simple truth. No games. Respect her responses, don’t try to read her mind.

  4. No, just kiss her next time you see her.

    When you do kiss her, do it slowly. A lot of nervous people start chewing away, don’t do that.

    Just kiss slowly.

    I would personally do a soft smooch, back off a bit looking into her eyes, then go again with soft sweet kissing licking her lips until she introduces tongue.

  5. NOOOOOO. Just do it ASAP on the 4th. Whenever there’s a slightest opportunity: SMAKKKKK!

  6. No, it’s not embarrassing, it’s actually quite heartwarming and shows that you respect her boundaries enough to ask permission before crossing them.

  7. You are incredibly sweet, and I am sure that she feels just as nervous as you do. No need to apologize, and it’s sweet – even important – to ask for consent. Sometimes, you’ll know she’s expecting it. Others, you can ask, “Can I kiss you?” and go in. I am rooting for you!

  8. You only apologize for doing something inmoral.

    Not kissing her isn’t immoral, so if you apologised for that it just makes you come across as apologetic and approval seeking for your lack of bravery, which is a turn off.

    So dont apologise. Also i wouldn’t be surprised if she thought now less of you as a dating partner for not dating to kiss her.

    It’s almost like a test if you don’t have the balls to go for it, women will usually just disqualify you from the game and friendzone you, and there will be nothing you can do about that if that’s ends up being the case.

    why? Because you showed her that you are a pussy, and women are always looking for reasons not to date a guy rather than looking for reasons on why they should date a guy. And being a coward is usually one of those reasons they need to make a decision to disqualify you.

    So no don’t say shit like: “I wanted to kiss you at the end of the last date. I’d like to try kissing you next time I see you.”

    That’s not smooth at all, that’s just admitting you were a pussy and will turn off the vast majority of girls. And also, saying that you would like to kiss her next time like that over text all cold is a turn off.

    A kiss needs to happen spontaneously in the heat of the moment. If you want to tell her you want to kiss her you do it in person right before you are gonna kiss her, not over text where she is just trying to rationalise everything and analysing logically what you said which isn’t good.

  9. Next time – I would be like, hey, I forgot to give you something from last time and then go in.

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