what would make you feel comfortable with a woman on a dating app who is separated?

  1. That they’re honest with themselves that they ARE separated and there’s no chance of reconciliation. Currently in this situation.

  2. Ah, nah. That’s not for me. Couldn’t do it to another bro. Maybe he’s working on himself. Maybe he’s realised his mistakes. Wouldn’t want to be the guy who came between him and his wife reconciling.

  3. Not a chance in hell, first you finish that business before you open a new shop. That usually doesn’t end well.

  4. Smash and dash. She needs to handle her shit instead of making another guy deal with it

  5. They are the most horny ones. If you are looking for no guilt fun, go for those.
    Unethical life tip: Those have just started to go back in the game and aren’t swarmed by million guys on their list so they can give you attention.

  6. I would say being completely cut off from her ex. I know when they are kids involved that’s not always possible but kids are a deal breaker anyway.

  7. It depends on the definition of dating here. In my experience both sexes tend to go a little “spring break” right after a divorce.

    So if I’m just looking for sex, let’s go.

    If I’m looking for a relationship, fuck that. She’s prolly got tons of baggage and prolly not ready to be out there for anything serious yet.

  8. Separated as in still married?

    Nothing. Been there, Done that.

    Get your divorce finalized. Spend a good chunk of time getting your life straightened out and then we’ll talk.

    But fresh out of a LTR, I would never deal with that shit again.

  9. If she’s cool with beign fwb heavy on the benefits until she get that stuff worked out.

  10. Met my ex this way. She had moved away from him and the divorce paper just weren’t signed, so she was technically still married.

  11. I’d be comfortable just fucking and saving an actual relationship for when she is ready for one

  12. To not be separated but ACTUALLY BROKEN UP.

    If she’s married I’m not even bothering with her until she’s divorced.

  13. I wish there was a way to just spend some time getting to know guys in a friendly way. I realize that I don’t even have a good way to tell my casual friends that I’m separated. Like it just doesn’t come up in conversation because my husband never came to any events or get togethers anyway so it’s not like they were looking for him in the first place. My three closest friends know. And this is been this way for a year because I thought he would come back and get sick of crashing at Mom’s house but he hasn’t

  14. You’re still married, according to your previous comments.

    Finalizing a divorce would make men feel comfortable dating you.

    That, or being up-front about your current situation and hoping you find that guy that really just doesn’t give a crap, and wants to date you either way. Though many of these may end up only using you for sex, so be careful.

  15. Hahaha I had matched with a girl like this once. Absolute loon. I would stay as far away as possible.

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