I’m a 20 yr old male. My libido has decreased quiet a bit since about a year ago. I used to have a very high libido compared to others (to the point where I couldn’t think of anything else). Nowadays I can still get it up (multiple times a day), but I don’t last as long and my will to do it is much less. My semen output is also much less (I shoot blanks after 3/4 rounds). It doesn’t feel ‘unhealthy’ low (as I am still able to go at it everyday), but the sudden decrease that basically felt like it happened over the span of one week gave me doubts. I went through a traumatic incident at that time and have been recovering from it this whole year. So I thought that that was the reason. I’ve been feeling much better for the last month, but my libido hasn’t gone back to what it used to be (though it has slightly increased). Any tips or advice?

TL;DR Libido is much lower than one year ago. Tips?

  1. If you can still go for 3-4 rounds you’re fine I guess.

    You’re not in your puberty anymore

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