Im seeing this girl, we are dating and we hang out a lot and it’s fun. She keeps telling me she misses me and she really likes me but I don’t know if she means it. Maybe my insecurities are acting up but I’m just scared she will leave or she’s just using me.

  1. I’m in the same boat. Think I’m just used to being hurt and being lied to/lead. I saw if shes showing you consistentcy and you/your gut feels good about it then ride the wave till it crashes

  2. Sounds like insecurities. Have you been cheated on before or just left by woman out of nowhere?

  3. If actions line up with the words she speaks, a person is more likely to be genuine. If she talks a big game about how much she likes you but flakes on dates or you have to always be the one to initiate, she is probably not genuine. If you feel like she’s putting in roughly similar effort and is engaged in what you’re doing together, she’s probably genuine.

  4. Being scared won‘t stop her from leaving。Might as well save the heartache and enjoy it while it lasts。

    Don’t ask her for reassurance that she likes you。Big turn off。

  5. If you have anxious attachment issues, one thing that helps is to commit to believing your partner’s words at face value. We can only ever know how our partners feel based on what they tell us and how they treat us. If she’s saying that she’s into you and likes you, you have to believe her, because what else do you have to go on?

  6. Actions speak louder bro.

    Example: my girlfriend says she can’t come over because she has to work for four days in a row. She lived 1.5hrs away at her job….well. She said she missed me, and drove every day 1.5hrs to sleep with me at night every night that week. It was cute at 830pm, seeing her pull into the driveway without calling or anything.

    But flip side brother, she was worth me going the distance and doing the same. Since then I fly across the country to see her, I’ve caught 3am flights and have driven 12hrs for her. She now commutes 4hrs to be with me for days at a time. (We travel for work, so timing and schedules are always busy, but we make it work)

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