We’re both in high school (16). We hit it off really well at the start of the schoolyear, having a lot of common interests — playing piano and being huge history nerds — and sharing the same sense of humour. We texted every day after school, often late at night, shared our favourite music and films, hung out alone in class…she wrote me coded messages, gave me gifts and said things that were very obvious signs she likes me.

Naturally, near the end of the schoolyear I asked her out, convinced she was practically obsessed with me. At first she accepted, but later said I should consider it a friendly hangout and nothing more. She went on, saying she can’t imagine being in a relationship, that she can’t get attracted to anyone because she gets bored quickly, apologized for leading me on and mentioned she prefers a “flirty friendship”. I accepted that adding a few jokes and sarcasm as usual, told her I understand and that it’s no big deal, but really I don’t think what she did is OK. I didn’t go on the “hangout” and am replying uninterested and with few words when she contacts me during summer break.

I’m not sure what to do since she was the person I talked to the most in school, by far. I guess the best thing to do would be cutting her off and finding someone else. I’m still in the same class as her though, so it’s not easy. It screwed me up a bit, getting rejected after all that, especially since we know each other so well. Sorry for any bad english, I’m from Hungary and translated most of this literally.

  1. Took too long to ask her out. When you feel things have moved flirty do it within 1 or 2 weeks. 3 is pushing it, but could work depending on the circumstances. Girls move on very fast if you don’t make a move.

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