I heard about railway workers but haven’t really heard about highway construction…

For example in my country there is a story that workers were working on making a tunnel for highway through a mountain, but the rocks were harder than they expected, So they couldn’t advance at all after all days work. Workers cried.

Are there any interesting historical anecdotes related to highway construction in the US?

Thanks in advance.

  1. How about an anecdote that led to the entire interstate system? When Eisenhower was in his 20s (1919) he went on a convoy from Washington DC to California. His experience with the roads pre-Interstate were so bad that it inspired his creation of the Interstate System when he became president

  2. Indianapolis has two highways that run through the center of town, I-65 and I-70. These two interstates converge into this spaghetti bowl section [here](https://goo.gl/maps/3gybuRNqeD7dDLqA9).

    But there are several ghost ramps of a third interstate that was never built. [I-69 was initially supposed to go through town as well](https://www.indystar.com/story/news/local/transportation/2020/12/02/indianapolis-traffic-why-69-never-connected-downtown-465/5482273002/). But by the time I-69 extension was seriously under consideration, funding from the feds was starting to dry up and resistance to interstates started to gain momentum.

    Now that spaghetti bowl loop section is currently under re-construction and those ghost ramps, for an interstate that was never built, will soon vanish.

  3. To build a tunnel in Boston they chemically froze the soil to make the project easier.

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