Hi, basically a friend in elementary school passed away and I was wondering if I should go to his family house and send condolences. The issue is i dont know if he consider me a friend or even noticed me. I had a class with him and I was the one person he spoke to in that class, but he wouldn’t talk to me outside of class other than the time he would need a ride home. Then when school was over he dropped all contact with me and I would try to engage a conversation with him but a friend of his messaged me saying he doesn’t like me so I dont know if it would be respectful for me to enter his home and if his friends are there they would realize he didnt even like me

  1. If you’d like to pay your respects to his family, it would be appropriate to send a condolence card to his parents. It does sound like going to his house isn’t the best idea.

    I’m sorry for your loss.

  2. It would be kind to send a card or go over for a short period of time and share a few treasured memories of him. It wouldn’t make a difference that you ended up not being friends any more – it would be a kindness to be one more person sharing a good memory.

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