I’m 32m shes 26f

And I use the term “ex” loosely. We only dated for a month, exclusive a week. Everything was going well and then she dumped me over text with little explanation. She said her friend had an accident and she didnt know what she wanted with her life. She moved here from 3000 miles away for a job shes not loving.

Anyway, I went to her place yesterday. Unfortunately her friend died in surgery and she flew back home for the funeral. She said she didnt know how to approach me with everything that was going on. And she admitted shes never had a real relationship before. She had a 3 year long distance one where they rarely saw eachother.

I still really like her and want to explore this. But I’m still feeling very anxious that I’ll invest and be randomly dumped again. I told her I’m okay trying if we take things slow. When I left I gave her a hug and kiss, I think she wanted more but I didnt want to have sex with her immediately.

  1. Getting dumped at a moment’s notice will be on the table for your next relationship too.

    Maybe it was just a hard time, maybe it’s a pattern, only one way to find out…if you want to.

  2. Sounds kinda shitty but given it was a month and something crazy happened but the other posters are right, it’ll always be on the plate. Do you think you can get over it and move past it, or are you gonna be anxious everytime your phone buzzes and you see it’s her. Good luck though either way. A lot of people are desperate to get back either their ex.

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