I (27F) have a small group of close friends. Everytime something happens with one of them, they cheer each other up and share some words. I am going through a little bad moment right now and two of my friends reached out to say something, but the rest is silent. Normally I wouldn’t think about it too much, but just now I’ve realized that every time is always those same two friends that reach out to me or ask if I’m good, and the rest is always silent. Only with my issues tho. So is this normal?

  1. Hey girl. I recently went through something similar recently, I am sure our circumstances are different though….

    Reading your post made me realize some people for whatever reason are more closed off to your world, and if you feel you’re the only one knocking on the friendship door then there will come a time when *they* really need to try for the friendship to live on or it will dissolve since you are the only one really trying. It is sad but relationships are based on trust and “little bad moments” are when that trust is either strengthened or broken.

    Of course some people have way busier lives and you can’t expect a lot from those kinds of friends, specially if they are in a relationship too.

    No one is going to read your mind so if you feel like getting advice from a specific friend you’re just gonna have to call them, but if they’re still kind of evading you after that then know that trust is being chipped away and therefor the relationship.

  2. Expectations in general lead to disappointment, especially when you expect things out of people. Not everyone is the type to reach out to people on their own accord, some even find it even uncomfortable to do so they will never do it. If anything, your situation really just identifies two friends you can really rely on

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