So I met up with this guy a week ago.

We meet at a place where shoes are not allowed. I’d just come back from a trip and bought him a pair of socks which I’d forgotten to bring with me.

I took the chance to ask him what size of socks he wore, and he mistook this by me borrowing a pair.

He’s the owner of the place where we meet. He went towards his desk and opened a drawer full of socks. He then took out three pairs and asked me to choose one.

I went a long with it, but had to ruin the surprise and ask him directly his size for the ones I got him.

I could see he was a little flustered. At the end of our meeting, I took off the socks to give them to him, but he then told me to keep them.

He said they were his favorite pair, and that it’d be nice to know I had them.

I was a bit weirded off by it, but also managed to find it kinda cute. I then placed it in my purse and headed off to my next location.

Just to be clear, my feet looked hella nice, I’d just gotten a pedicure.

Why the hell did he gift his socks to me???

Edit: forgot to add, he’s my therapist.

  1. >and he mistook this by me borrowing a pair

    I feel like this is all based on this

    But in case you are ABSOLUTELY sure this is not the case, then: if I give you my socks, you can count on me with your life. This would be a sign of absolute trust. We are a unified front now

  2. Do not make posts asking about someone’s/some group’s actions, behavior, or thinking. We’re not fucking psychic. Go fucking ask them yourself.

  3. I gave away pair of socks to some of my friends. It’s not gifting. Just a way to show “I got you bro”. I don’t want it back. (:

    Will you give a pair to your friend in same situation?

  4. Up to you how you take it. Everyone’s weird. Don’t listen to these fools.

  5. Idk, it started out as a misunderstanding, and then he gave you a pair. It could be nothing or it could sort of like giving a gf a hoodie. I think you’ll know the answer in the next few weeks depending on how he acts toward you.

  6. how the hell would anyone know this? Gee let me use my dick antenna and channel the man frequency and detect why he would give you his jerk off socks.

  7. It means your have an unhealthy relationship with your therapist, and that your therapist has no professional or ethical standards.

    Oh wait, this was about socks. Uhhhh fuck if I know.

  8. OMG you were involved in a sock incident lmao

    This seems the be some complete misunderstanding between you two and it’s just a kind gesture from his side to let you keep his fav pair

  9. Well if Hollywood taught us anything it’s that you should spill your sex juices all over that thing.

  10. Hi, your post has removed because we suspect you are trying to figure out a person’s specific actions or thinking, or asking for guidance in a specific situation, which is prohibited. For advice, visit /r/advice or /r/relationship_advice. If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators](

    Have a nice day!

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