For the first time in my life last night, I actually managed to successfully go to a bar, pick up a woman and bring her home with me.

We were so horny for the whole night, we were so playful and even as we had to leave we were still on the dancefloor touching each other. It was hot as fuck.

We get home at about 4am, and guess what – I can’t get hard. It was almost definitely the alcohol, I had drank quite a bit, but I cannot express how disappointing this all is. It’s been such a long time since I’ve had sex, and sexual frustration gets me so badly. This girl was perfect, she was so sexy and way out of my league and my body wouldn’t let me perform.

She reacted amazingly to it, completely understanding and comforting about it. I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better reaction. And also I know that these things happen and there’s no point to or reason to feel ashamed because of it, but all day today I’ve felt so worthless, I just can’t believe that’s how the build-up ended.

Sorry guys I just needed to vent…

  1. Happened to me too.

    It’s all nerves and performance anxiety. It’s all in your head don’t worry.

    Too much build up and expectations can lead to that. Just don’t overthink it and try to focus on the present moment.

  2. Happened to me too.

    It’s all nerves and performance anxiety. It’s all in your head don’t worry.

    Too much build up and expectations can lead to that. Just don’t overthink it and try to focus on the present moment.

  3. Don’t over stress it…

    Sometimes in the act, you aren’t as ready or responsive as you’d like to be.

    Fight that initial onslaught of stress and loss of confidence because if that happens, yeah, the plane is not leaving the tarmac. It’s a wrap.

    Take a break, put on a comedy movie or some tunes. Drink a little water. Use the time to talk to her a bit. Share some laughs. That will help you relax. Maybe even her as well. Seriously. Then you might just naturally get back into it. It might be that simple.

    If not, keep in mind there are other options… so her time with you isn’t a total loss. Give her a massage. Sexually stimulate her in other ways. I don’t have to get into details, but she will appreciate that your hiccup wasn’t the be all end all. She’ll know you’re not selfish. And taken care of properly, she’ll remember and you should get another shot.

    If you continue to have issues, see a physician/ specialist. There are remedies that almost guarantee you can address this issue.

    What you experienced is normal. Mental state is important. Comfort and confidence. Atmosphere. Just look forward to next time (hopefully you’ve arranged a date already – act fast!) and take it easy. Plan a fun date/outing and just enjoy the moment. Everything else will.fall into place and what happened will be old news. Forgotten news. What you want to do is forget it. It’s nothing. Don’t think about it next time because it can become a bigger issue in that case.

  4. I dont understand the issue here. Just fall asleep and have sex when you wake up.

  5. Been there, if it happens again you’ll be a bit more mentally prepared (given than you process the incident in a healthy way). You are Not a machine, there is nothing wrong with you, you can’t expect your body to bend to your will on demand.

    For me, I accept that this WILL happen again so when it does, it doesn’t feel like a the worst thing that has ever happened to me.

    Also making fun of the situation with her can help reduce how severe it feels, like damn I forgot to pay the power bill again or some other lame ass joke.

    The first time for me was with a beautiful redhead, we tried for like 2 hours lol.

  6. Performance anxiety.. some times the pressure makes you crack.. long ago a friend purchased hookers for us.. all in the same room and I got no where close to getting wood.

  7. I find problems can also occur when you think a girl is out of your league, because then fucking her doesn’t come to mind

  8. You’re fine my guy. Alcohol will definitely do that along with being out that late.

    My wife and I went home with another couple last night and I imbibed too much and disappointed two women. Hopefully you know how to eat pussy or use your fingers. There’s still fun to be had but obviously, you’re disappointed

  9. Last time this happened we went to sleep and in the morning I woke up ready to make up for it

  10. This has happened to all of us man don’t worry. I don’t really sleep around that much and haven’t had sex in years because I only really like to fuck a girl if I have feelings for her. (Just my preference).

    One night I was out with a new group of friends and I pulled one of the girls and took her home because I was thinking ‘I haven’t had sex in ages so why not!’ We was both really drunk and I was so exited. Kissing and feeling each other in the cab home. Got back, some foreplay and nothing was happening. He just wouldn’t work. I got a semi at best. We tried for about 10 mins and he just wouldn’t salute. I made sure to give her a good time though. The room was spinning so we both gave up with my dick. I’ve never been so embarrassed and ashamed but when I think about it, I didn’t help myself because I drank a lot and at the end of the day, it’s not just about me. These things happen my dude

  11. You should be excited it happened at all, now you know you can either see her again or you have it in you to go out and meet another person. Keep going!

  12. It happens. Happened to me a couple times. You are in your head over it. And thats harder to fox. The dick will be okay. Your reaction will take a while. Especially if you keep fixating on that part. Focus on the amazing parts. She was into you. What you were dpung worked. She was hot. Wanted you. Focus on that stuff

  13. 4AM after drinking all night? I’m in my 60’s and I don’t think I could ever have been able have sex at that point.

    The only times I’ve ever had sex at that time of day would have been if we’d been sleeping and both woke up in the mood. Even that was many years ago. In recent years I don’t think I’ve had sex after 9PM! I prefer to be awake enough, and not too tired, to enjoy it.

  14. That’s fine you can be disappointed, but did you at least enjoy your time pleasing her?

  15. Sucks. And you get in your head and stress about it only making it more impossible. But you’ve still got hands, fingers and a tongue, dude. Women hooking up with women can please each other without a dick. Don’t rely on it 100%, branch out.

  16. youre not a loser, n since this girl is attractive n she was nice to u ab it, u guys are probably in the same league, get her contact info n invite her over – SOBER lol u got this

  17. Bro! You better have eat’n her out like a fat kid at a buffet and made her cum til she begged you to stop!

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