Did you turn it down? If so why?

  1. We’re pretty kinky anyway so all the weird stuff just kinda gets done as a matter of course.

    She’s asked to be caned to tears, she’s asked for three and foursomes, asked to be brought to orgasm in public…I dunno. Did them all and they were all amazing.

  2. I don’t judge anything to be ‘weird’ because that means it’s kinda negative. I’m open-minded and happy to try whatever my partner wants to try. I’ll do it with enthusiasm if it turns her on.

    The most unusual thing was a woman who wanted to tie me to the bed with silk scarves. I went for it and I was impressed at her skill with knots. She knew what she was doing and it was an obvious turn-on to her because she loved every moment that followed.

  3. I once slept with this girl who wanted me to hit her on the tits. I tried a few soft slaps, but she wanted me to “hit her harder” and “make her tits go numb”. I stopped and left. Made me really uncomfortable.

  4. My ex cheated on me and went back to her ex but wanted to keep being intimate with me. Her ex rated the women he has been with and she wasn’t in his top 50. Meanwhile she was the top of my list even though I only slept with like 5 other women prior. She was the one who shown me what making love felt like. I turned that down because if I couldn’t have all of her then I’d have none of that.

  5. An ex wanted me to piss inside her ass. As in, full piss enemy while being sodomized.

    I gave it a try but failed, but it turns out that pissing is *really* tricky when you have a hard erection and your dick is currently inside a butt hole being squeezed a lot. I just couldn’t get a stream going despite trying for a few minutes, so we had to eventually give up on that weird project.

  6. Middle finger up her ass, thumb in her vagina, then rub the fingers together.

    Her contact in my phone was The Six Pack.

  7. A random woman wanted me to grow a big beard for her to “hold on to” if you know what I mean

  8. She wanted me to bring out my gun.

    Im not willing to answer anymore questions that bitch was crazy.

  9. Not my story but a guy in my unit told us a story about how his ex wanted him to break into her house with his pistol. Essentially, a home invasion rape situation. He said he was completely against it but she begged and pleaded so he decided he’d give it a go bc it’s what she wanted. He waited a week or so and dressed in black and essentially broke into her house with his pistol. She said she started screaming and crying hysterically so he immediately stopped and took off the mask he was wearing. He said she all the sudden got pissed that he wouldn’t follow thru. He said that was the last time he hung out with her as she had some serious daddy issues and he was freaked out.

  10. To cum deep in her throat no matter how much she gagged. She gagged, I came deep, she loved it, I can’t say it wasn’t fun.

  11. I once had a couple invite me back to their place for a threesome. After I politely declined they asked me if I knew where they could get some coke. You meet all types working in a bar.

  12. Some broad wanted to lick my asshole after we were finished and I was taking a leak. It was in the summer and those Cali summers don’t mess around.

  13. A girl offered me 250$ to sleep with her friend. I declined and learned that I am not a man whore. It was a nice surprise.

  14. NSFW



    44 year old woman I dated for about 3 weeks asked if she could call me Daddy while we fucked. I was like sure.

    Bunch of “am I a good girl daddy”, & ” f me harder daddy” & this one

    ” Hurry up before everybody gets home”

    NOPED the f out of there

  15. My ex wanted to jerk me off while looking at my dads nude girl collection from mid 70s to mids 80s

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