Hi, sorry if this turns out to be a huge essay. I feel like context is extremely important for this…

I’ve been thinking about getting into contact with someone I knew from years ago. Back when I was younger, I was socially awkward. But this person, every now and then, would go out of her way to be kind to me and talk to me even though I was an absolute mess when it came to meeting new people. We haven’t seen or talked to each other since, I think, sophomore year in high school; at least 5+ years ago… The reason I want to contact her is because our class did this thing where we’d write each other notes then two years later, the teachers would hand the notes out to whoever it was addressed to. I got a note from her and I’ve always wanted to ask her about it, because it’s quite a strange note lol.

I guess my question is, is contacting her out of the blue creepy? Keep in mind, I don’t have her on social media on anything, but I saw her on LinkedIn and figured now’s my chance. Also important to reiterate, we were never friends or even acquaintances, the “conversations” we had were extremely one sided.

1 comment
  1. What’s the worst that could happen? She thinks you’re creepy? Big whoop.

    Contact her. Keep it simple. Couple of sentences, no long paragraphs.

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