Got engaged to my fiancé a month ago. He’s always been a hard worker, since 17 y/o he’s worked really hard (2 jobs) and has barely had any recent since. 2 weeks after our engagement he’s went to work out of state temporarily 6-7 days a week until our wedding. I finally see him tonight and I really want to let him know that I notice his hard work and I appreciate it. Is that the ring thing to say?

I’ve mentioned I admire his dedication with other things like being consistent with gym (before we got engaged) and I’ve told him 1-2x that he’s a hard worker and he seemed to really appreciate it. How often should I remind him I notice and appreciate and what are some other things I can say instead?


  1. often i would, its always good knowing your SO approves of your work ethics and it shows good things about your personality.

  2. Every single time my partner praise me. I always appreciate it.

    The issue comes at expectation. If you stop doing it suddenly (or miss something they have done specially for you), they will feel weird. If you do it too often, it might become so repetitive that it holds less appreciation. If you do it not enough, they will feel underappreciated. You need the right balance for it. Unfortunately I don’t have the secret formula for it…

    Consider dropping those compliments when you really notice his hard work. That way, it will not only be a motivation, he also won’t take it for granted.

    You sound like an amazing fiancé to him, and him to you too. I wish you two best of luck and I’m sure you can find the right balance to be the best motivation for him 🙂

  3. I like it but also i don’t. I don’t like having my worth being defined by how hard i’m working but if you put this kind of compliments together with affection and appreciation of the person per se, then it works.

    Of course it depends on your guy.

  4. Been married 41 years never once heard those words come out of my husbands mouth. I still love him though.

  5. My love language is words, so I love when my wife tells me she appreciates me, admires my work, or congratulates me. She doesn’t do it often, but it means a lot when she does.

  6. I’d guess weekly would be nice. Idk never happened but that would be my guess.

  7. If its from someone special, it doesn’t matter how often you say it, it never loses its meaning.

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