I’m in my final year at uni and I’m completely burnt out. I have a decent social life, my dorm room is nice and my professors are all good people, but just can’t be here anymore. I’ve thought about dropping out. I much rather work minimum wage than studying for my final exams. Obviously this would be a terrible decision so how do I power through this?

  1. The gym was my only outlet during college. Probably why i was pretty ripped back then.

  2. I droped ny social life. And took long drives in the night to clean my head. (Car, bike, bicycle)

  3. I’ve been there, it’s stressful it sucks you would rather do anything else than study. But man it made the career that I have now. I was basically just enforcing study with the motivation of “once this is all over, my life actually starts” and I’ve never been so glad about not dropping out.

    I had to go through some unhealthy habits to get through as well, basically got myself through by drinking energy drinks constantly and shut myself in the uni library for 12 hours a day. Go home sleep repeat.

    I obviously don’t recommend that, but just do whatever you can just to keep yourself going. Your nearly done so make sure you finish well

  4. I know it’s kind of a hard mental game to play with yourself- but tell yourself you’re excited to study and learn more. I know, in reality you’re not, but just doing the effort to *try* and hype yourself up tends to work pretty well.

    Don’t focus on the end goals of graduating, or what you’ll do with it afterwards- just bullshit yourself and try to adopt the mindset of a nerd who’s eager to learn.

  5. Currently in the same boat, and I’m trying out the “take a holiday/go back home” approach. Tbf, I hadn’t been back to my home country for over 2 years, and when I had been last I hadn’t been able to visit the (only) place I know where my brain stops being frantic. I’ll see in a week if it helped.

    Going from that:
    -take a break; as long as you’re not in exams or just in the end spurt of preparations.

    -physically go to your happy place

    -visit home

  6. I had a friend who took a break from uni just before his last year exactly because of this XD
    And it’s not like you’d be behind if you do cause you aren’t in a race.

    Since ye already in your last year, why not take a full weekend of to chill somewhere? Just doing nothing for three days straight can do wonders and refil the battery for you to face the next work day. Make sure to clear three full days, do the most urgent things and leave (don’t worry too much if something is left half made, since all left would be relatively easy to handle). Or maybe just one Saturday and Sunday, but leave. Go to any place and have fun or relax. And then go back for Monday.

    Gotta chill from time to time, specially before the end.

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