So I’m talking to this guy and I over think so so much. It’s impossible to not think, I have ADHD. I asked him a question while we’re playing pong on iMessage and he didn’t respond he just kept playing. He also is a little insecure I think. Two guys were flirting with me today and I think it made him a little insecure. He doesn’t snap his whole face even tho I think he’s super cute. I think he’s a little insecure about his skin even tho I didn’t see anything wrong with it. However, he’s so sweet and he texts me good morning, afternoon, and night. And he works out, is a smart guy in engineering with me, and I really like him. I just always think he’s gonna leave if he doesn’t respond fast or doesn’t talk to me fast.

1 comment
  1. How often do you flirt with him? How often do you casually touch him?

    If he’s like most young guys, he won’t know you think he’s cute until you tell him.

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