Two things that are frequently said here:

* that men are starved of compliments and would be extremely happy to receive them
* that people (naturally including men) generally hate Karens: entitled middle aged women who are rude to everyone

So in this “unstoppable force meets unmovable object” scenario, what’s gonna happen if a middle aged woman who just threw a drink at a barista and cursed her out, walks up to a man who’s starved of compliments and calls him cute?

  1. I think you’ll find that, as hard up as we are for compliments, getting one from a c-word isn’t going to make us feel better. In fact, I would be worried something was wrong with me.

  2. This sounds like the makings of a universe ending paradox to me. My first thought is a black hole opens up and crushes the universe.

  3. say still not as sweet as that ass of yours…

    karens dont annoy me. she is only annoyed cos she didnt get her vitamin dick.

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