I understand getting it for long distance travel as it often includes comfier seats, food etc. But on SWR for example it’s literally just a napkin on the back of the chair.

Edit: Ok I understand now, thanks for the answers

  1. People pay more for the quietness and likelihood that there won’t be many people on the cabin

  2. As other say, space, peace and quiet. On the old trains I used to get to Glasgow I’d be guaranteed a four seater table to myself. ‘Free’ food and drinks as well.

  3. It’s amusing sometimes, our SWR trains gave a section labelled as “First Class” – replete with comfier seats, tables and cheap tacky headcovers ….

    And the automated announcement that “this train is standard class throughout” ….

  4. it was cheaper for me once to go first class (two singles using the split ticket system) than to pay for a second class standard return journey

  5. Company pays . They are mostly business trips and they have to go to a meeting as soon as getting off from a train . So it’s only place they can relax and prepare their up coming meetings .

  6. I’ve used first class once on an advance ticket because it was cheaper than standard class for that trip, so why not.

  7. Don’t think first class is even a thing on Southeastern trains anymore. They just charge everyone the same extortionate price.

  8. I usually wfh but sometimes travel into London for meetings, or to attend court. Always first class because you get more room and many seats have their own table, so I can work on the train. No other reason, I’d happily use standard if the folding trays on the seat weren’t too small for my laptop (and too close), and there wasn’t a high chance of standing the whole journey.

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