Which job is definitely overpaid?

  1. CEOs, NCAA Coaches.

    Both of them seem to be immune from any objective measures of competence. Winning season/Record Profits? “It’s because of their leadership.” Loosing season/Tecord losses and plant closings? “Think how much worse it would have been without their leadership.”

    By the time reality catches up with their reputation, they have already made their millions and they ride their golden parachute to their next sinecure.

  2. Most of the CEO. It’s a good old boy club they use stock option as a piggy bank

    And all politicians look at the world mess we are in. People get along until we have government

  3. I have some friends who just graduated college and are consultants. You’re 22 years old and have never been in the industry. Who are you consulting???

    Not all but a lot of them answer emails most of the day and attend one or two online meetings and then they’re done. Some of them make bank!

    Another one is politicians. I think the concept of a “career politician” is disgusting. There definitely needs to be term limits because most of these fools in office are beyond out of touch with reality- democrats and republicans alike

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