My ex has always been insecure. He cheated on his ex gf, caused trust issues in our relationship, and post breakup continues to seek validation from other women and external factors that don’t help him grow or heal as a person. Do men
like this ever mature?

  1. The only way he can change is for him to admit he has insecurities and get some professional help that will allow him to self reflect on his behavior, which will lead toward healing.

    Good luck.

  2. He will only get better if he WANTS to and is willing to do the hard work (with a professional) to change. It’s not IMPOSSIBLE, but in my experience, it’s rare. My ex husband was incredibly insecure, and it caused all kinds of problems in our marriage – problems that included being emotionally abusive. He also had several very narcissistic traits, and would NEVER accept or acknowledge that his behavior was problematic. I was married to him for 14 years, and all he ever did was rationalize, minimize, and deflect.

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