I’ve never seen any fly in a bathroom or a restaurant in the US. As soon as I got off the plane, I encountered several flies in a bathroom (in the airport!) and in a Tim Hortons (in the airport!)

To be fair, I did see flies in the US. But most of them are in the trash room or dumpster.

  1. You’ve never seen a fly in a restaurant? Every restaurant and coffee shop I’ve worked in has fly’s during the Summer months lol fly’s love coffee syrups and juice

  2. Airport flies aren’t that unusual. There’s literally hundreds of exterior doors constantly opening all over the building.

    I’ve seen way nastier bugs in an airport bathroom. Like the palmetto bug I nearly got into a fist fight with the first *and last* time I ever flew out of Miami International.

  3. You must be in cool or dry places in the US. I’ve seen more flies than I can count in US restaurants, bathrooms, grocery stores, delis, gas stations, and any other place that you can think of. Seems about the same since I moved to Canada. I don’t think flies give a shit about borders.

  4. I don’t think you can generalize two of the biggest countries in the world like that.

  5. I would have thought the opposite. It’s generally warmer in the US so I’d think mire flies. But restaurants in the US generally have methods yi control flies. Bug zippers/ sticky pads, lids on trash, and sometimes an air curtain at the front door.

  6. Probably area dependent in both countries

    It’s not like the flies would not come across just because of some invisible line

  7. Probably not overall, but most of the populated areas of Canada are within an hour or so of the US, so I’d say the populated areas are probably about the same.

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