Would you rather a woman tell you that she’s interested in you before going abroad (for 3 mo) or when she returns?

  1. I’ve heard the beforehand admission, and it ended up just feeling like a missed opportunity. Not going to wait around, because we weren’t involved. It was just a what-if that could not be acted on. So maybe a bit frustrating? If it’s when she returned, then woo hoo, we could choose to act on the mutual interest.

  2. If a girl told me she was interested before going abroad that would mean nothing to me tbh. I wouldn’t wait for a girl for three months just because she told me she’s interested.

  3. I would rather when she returns, so that type of attachment isn’t there if I had the same feeling is well.

    I wouldn’t want to be over thinking anything for 3 months for her to return then not be the same thing

  4. When they return. If you sleep with someone whilst your away its not an issue. If you say you want to be with me then go away for 3months and then sleep with someone its going to be an issue.

  5. When she returns. Could you imagine how a guy would feel after waiting three months just for you to come back and tell him you had done things abroad or found someone else. As someone who’s bad at metaphors, it would be like ordering a pizza and being told “yeah it will be delivered in 30 min” and then the pizza gets delivered to a different house. Besides wouldn’t it be more romantic to come back after three months and go “you were on my mind the whole time” once you’ve established you position?

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