Should guys ask for dating advice from guys or women?

Trying to figure out if there is some best combination.

  1. All advice should be taken from a variety of sources. No one person can give you advice relevant to your specific situation.

    So yes. Men, women, other, friends, family, strangers. Anyone and everyone who’s willing.

  2. In my experience, as a guy, the best source for dating advice is normal-looking guys who are very successful in dating. Much less useful is dating advice from very good-looking guys, and i’d say most dating advice given by women is also much less useful.

  3. Don’t take any dating advice from anyone.

    Just find yourself what works and what does not.

    p.s Except this advice 😉

  4. Women will be good at telling you what they want.

    Men will be good at telling you how to get what you want.

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